The Observer Effect Quantum Physics Meat Potatoes Style
At the beginning of the movie Next Nicholas Cage says "Heres the thing about the future, every time you look at it, it changes..because you looked at it and that changes everything else." This is one of the principles of quantum physics and it is called the "observer effect". All the books and videos mentioned here can be purchased at amazon,ca for Canadians on the store link on my website .
Heres the trailer:
I have been studying Dr. Fred Alan Wolfs books "Mind into Matter" and "Matter into Feeling" with the Center for Human Developments Speakers Team on On Eagles Wings webcast radio every Tuesday (4:30 est) for almost a year . We go over every line and journal on all of it until we get it. I am still working with this but I think it is time to share what I have learned and if anyone disagrees please make a comment, I would welcome it. I have also been studying Native American Spirituality with Grandmother PaRisHa for 20 years now, 10 of those she has been getting us to dig into Quantum Physics as we believe it is the scientific explanation for Shamanism (Dr. Wolf agrees with her).
So here is what I got from last Tuesdays call with Grandmother PaRisHa and again this is my truth stemming from what I "perceived". I am not going into the quantum mechanics of it, I will let Dr. Wolf and the rest handle that I am just putting it into a "meat and potatoes" style for practical application.
Nothing is created without it first having been a thought, so everything "out there" comes from "in here" or is tied to the mind. This is explained very well in the movie The Secret (watch free online) although it focuses on just one quantum principle the "law of attraction" or what we think we attract. In fact it is what we think, therefore what we "see" that we create. This is what is meant by us being Co-Creators with God.There are so many possibilities to every outcome it is only by our choice, our perception or how we "see" a situation as to what that outcome will be. There are many players in this world and those who have a stronger "intent" regarding a certain experience will win out over those who have a doubt in their mind. So if you want a positive outcome for yourself you have to become obsessed with that outcome. Journal on it, visualize it, write it into your own personal life script and believe that because you "thought it" it has already happened, in the future on its own time loop. Like the secret says dont worry about the how because when the molecules are mixing it up and forming in this 3rd dimension there is always the possibility of a different outcome if you "change your mind" so just be patient and move forward with that goal/outcome, put action behind it and believe it.
We now move from the brain to the spirit, the "Observer", the one we should be listening to all the time. Its that voice inside the one who is trying to teach us. The movie What The Bleep presents this better than I can (you should watch it if only for the wedding scene, which is hysterical) Unfortunately our brains have been programmed (for more information watch this series of videos from Quantum Factor with Dr. Joe Dispenza on google), and we have some very unhealthy automatic response patterns to certain situations. It happens so fast you end up saying "how could i have been so stupid" and "what was i thinking". Bingo! We were not thinking. We were making unconsciousness choices on what to "look for". The Scientologists call them "engrams", I think it is like little movies or scenes during times of trauma that get burned into our memories, forming neurons into a strong pattern that reacts every time you get into a similar situation. I believe that is what their "auditing" program is about, to clear you of that old programming so you can actually respond to life from your true authentic self.Its like you can be so smart in many areas of your life but in this one particular situation, every time it comes up, and it keeps cycling handle it badly. We make bad choices because we were not paying close enough attention to the situation. What was going on? Who was directing this scene? What were the other players intentions and what pattern from the past are we responding from? When we make a bad choice many people, myself included, actually feel themselves as if they are outside of the body watching this stupid thing that we are doing as if detached. Its because the Observer does not want any part of it. The only thing you can do then is to go over it again and again and analyze it literally to death. That way each time you figure out another piece of the puzzle as to why you would do such a thing you are actually taking a different perspective therefore "seeing" it differently therefore, creating a new memory, changing it and your future. Otherwise you are doomed to repeat it unless you clear yourself of it.
Dr. Wolf says memories are created by repetition so we have to choose a new "role" in that scene and work it, practice it, write it out, visualize doing it right then the new memories will take over next time the situation "arises". The old response patterns will vanish but will still be there as memories. So when we start to focus our attention on everything that is being created around us, by ourselves and by others, we can catch ourselves and stop the destructive patterns earlier. There is always a choice. If we can spend more time with ourselves in quiet meditation and "engage the observer" that is talk to that "higher self" we will be in closer contact with our true selves, our spirits and stop sabotaging our efforts.
Here is Dr. Joe talking on "Creating Your Day" from the movie What the Bleep.
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