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Showing posts with the label awful

TESO Between Epic and Awful

TESO Between Epic and Awful Riding into battle with hundreds (!) of other players on my screen, armies clashing into each other, catapults and battering rams wreaking havoc, turning into a werewolf and ripping enemies to shreds, feasting on their corpses to keep the blood rage going non-stop - man, that shit is probably the sweetest multiplayer experience I ever had in any game. Being unable to finish the storyline, being locked out from two thirds of the game world, having no more means to progress and level up for an entire week, with the support staff literally telling me to "try and relog", then getting my account hacked due to zero security measures taken by the developers, waiting yet another week for information on whether or not my stolen stuff can be restored (still waiting), was easily one of my worst moments in gaming. So much frustration Look, I get it. Its a new MMO, they always have bugs and problems, WoW had disappearing boats, broken raids, and fucking emergen...