The IllCon Guide To Corporate Instructional Rap Videos! Ive recently become obsessed with the now extinct genre of instructional rap videos from the 80s. Ive been playing most of my findings on our podcast (which is live TONIGHT @ 10pm Pacific on FCCFREERADIO btw). The perfect combination of coked out CEOs making bad decisions and Reagan era crypto-racism (HEY OUR EMPLOYEES ARE POOR "URBAN" KIDS! LETS SPEAK TO THEM ON THEIR LEVEL!). Here now I present to you my very favorites. 5. RTD Maintenance Department Great example of "the man" trying to get on "our level" and speak "our language" through the power of "the music of the streets." I know if I was an employee of the Los Angeles Rapid Transit Department in the 80s I would be nothing less than inspired to wake each morning and proudly crank on those buses after watching this inspiring video. Score: 6.8 4. Selling is Service Nope. Nothing weird or awkward about these white people rapping...