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Showing posts with the label miniature

The Ion Age IMP30 Xin Monkey Bot free miniature for February 2016!

The Ion Age IMP30 Xin Monkey Bot free miniature for February 2016! �The arrival of the Xin Trade Fleet commanded by Grand Admiral Hong Tu Quin in a star system often brings great excitement to the peoples who live on the planets there. The hundreds of vessels that make up the fleet will divide up and visit every world with smaller shuttles and landers descending to the ground before laying out their goods to entice and to trade. While the troops of the fleet the Sanbao are only used when a threat is encountered there are other more discrete means of self defence. Foremost among these are the Onyx robots such as the Onyx Monkey. Programmed and built to move around cargo, to retrieve orders and to climb into places Humans would have a problem reaching there are hundreds of non-sentient bots aboard every Xin vessel. When trouble is encountered a robot such as the Onyx Monkey can be switched to a different mode and controlled by Xin merchants, officials or commanders to fight an enemy. The...

The Ion Age Two 15mm Shia Khan Pioneer packs and platoon pack with free extra miniature released!

The Ion Age Two 15mm Shia Khan Pioneer packs and platoon pack with free extra miniature released! �Legion are bad enough. Let me beat on Maligs all year along instead of Legion. But those Pioneers they are way worse. They might not have those rigs the Nox have but those plates can still deflect a burst of Moth Rifle fire with no problems. I remember one time with the 658th a few months back. We were in this place, must have been a zero ball stadium or something, big and oval shaped with stripped out seats. They even had a burned out Happy Burger shack. Shame that, I used to enjoyed that gloop. Anyway there we were all set up nice and ready. No Anvils, Bodkins or Rons with us but command figured we had the Moth Type 12s with those 40mm grenades and our rifle rounds would be plenty. After all we had seen the six Tesserans coming down the bust up Rubbacrete strip towards us and we were just waiting. Fixed on the entry tunnel levelled barrels. In they came. I saw the green suits, Medusa Le...

The Ion Age IMP35 Cybernetic Retained Knight free miniature for July 2016!

The Ion Age IMP35 Cybernetic Retained Knight free miniature for July 2016! It is the nature of war that injury and death occur while on campaign and while an honourable retirement is offered to every man or woman harmed defending the Precinct some do not choose to leave the oath they took to the Code Gallant. Those, often badly injured, who make the choice to return to their regiment are offered the means to do so in their treatment. While Rederm can repair the skin and flesh leaving in most cases no sign that injury ever occurred this is not the case for lost limbs or the most serious of injuries. Cybernetic limbs and casings which once fitted and slaved to the nervous system give a performance equal to or exceeding natural limbs are given instead. There are different styles available from indistinguishable from natural to purely mechanical. Those who see regular active campaigning often opt for the mechanical due to its superior durability and de marking a true veteran.  Academy ...