The Day After The Sabbath 134 Mischief Magic and Musicians Former Yugoslavian Republic of Macedonia Download from [mf] or [yd] Password: tdats Time for some more from Eastern Europe [see also: 41 : Eastern Roc | 101 : Poland | 120 : Serbia]. With a population of around two million this is one of the smallest countries I have investigated so far. As with the other small countries appearing in this blog, they produced their fair share of musical talent but that talent tended to move around so players from what is now the Former Yugoslavian Republic of Macedonia (FYROM) cropped up all over the former Yugoslavia and beyond, with few harder-rocking acts being based in the FYROM itself and even less of them actually releasing official albums. Also, the distinctions between bands counties of origin is not always easy to make in areas of many close borders like eastern Europe, sometimes near impossible when a band moves around and has lineup changes, but I...