The end of Tor new age for anonymity network and the deep web The end of Tor: new age for anonymity network and for the deep web First, what is the "anonymity network" -know also as "the deep web", "the dark web" or even "the hidden web"- but governments calls it the criminals network? Its apart of the world wide web and its contents isnt indexed by the standard search engine so its the opposite surface of the web. The technologies of this network are based on peer-to-peer connection and data-encryption and its about hiding the identity of the net users to get the freedom in browsing and posting on the web and getting ride of governments control over the cyber world. But fast illegal a activities had taken over the entire network such as drug dealing ,weapon selling ,hitmans networks for killing. What they use to get in ? here comes The TOR project. According to wikipedia: Tor is free software for enabling anonymous communication. The name is der...