The Day After The Sabbath 124 Dimmar Nætur Iceland special Download from [mf] or [mg] Password: tdats TDATS 124: Dimmar N�tur ?[?Iceland] by Rich Aftersabbath on Mixcloud Welcome to the sixth Nordic TDATS, after Denmark (Vol72), Sweden (Vol75), Norway (Vol81), Finland (Vol88) and the first one, (Vol28), which was a mix. Some time ago I discovered the heavy names that are generally known from the Nordic island country of Iceland; Tr�brot, Thors Hammer, ��menn, Andrew, Icecross and Svanfridur. Its time to look further, and considering that in the seventies Iceland had a population of only 200-225 thousand, I found a pleasing amount of good stuff. Looking at the selection, this volume reminds me most of the Austrian volume [107]. Similarly to that one, I decided to flesh it out a bit by creeping up to the year 1981, the year of Icelands very first heavy metal album from the band " Start ". Its amazing that both countries produced a similar amount of good rock, considering that ...