The Seed Coat Gentle Mindspeed Reviewed by Shaun C. Rogan On their third full-length outing, The Seed Coat have come from the land of the longships and the rune stones to steal your mind and alter your consciousness. That isnt a threat, its a promise as once again Swedish psych takes centre stage in Active Listeners London HQ. Read My Mind kicks things off in a suitably promising fashion taking aim at rewriting Spirit in the Sky from the perspective of someone trapped in a K-Hole after three or four days of solid chemical abuse with only a bottle of water and a Spacemen 3 record for company. Its stealthy and nauseatingly hypnotic to the point of being a hugely impressive sonic event. Things change up a gear with the second track, "Reflections of Your Mind" - its rippling paisley underground vibes wrapping up your frontal lobes in a beautiful haze of guitar, keyboard and breathy vocals. This is the sort of song that should be blaring from radios across the world and in every d...