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Showing posts with the label communication

The Jazz Composers Orchestra Communication 1965

The Jazz Composers Orchestra Communication 1965 De entre los distintos movimientos vanguardistas musicales norteamericanos, habidos en la d�cada de los 60s, surgi� una revitalizaci�n que favoreci� al jazz experimental, o tambi�n llamado ��free jazz��. Una oleada de free jazz que dar�a resurgimiento al jazz vanguardista en los Estados Unidos, impulsada por el estadounidense Bill Dixon, un trompetista de jazz, artista y profesor de m�sica, quien en 1964 organizar�a el festival de jazz ��October Revolution��, en el �Cellar Caf� de Nueva York. Este evento, de inesperada popularidad y repercusi�n, tendr�a un impacto tal que dar�a pie a nuevos movimientos y asociaciones concernientes al g�nero y ayudar�a, junto a otros factores, a establecer al free jazz como una nueva parte de la tradici�n del g�nero. En realidad este ser�a el segundo surgimiento del free jazz en los Estados Unidos. Originalmente la primer oleada de ��jazz contracultural�� se dio a finales de los a�os 50s, m�s espec�ficamen...

The Future of Communication

The Future of Communication The Google Voice + Hangouts Transition   Ah yes, after that last post I�m sure you�ll be more than happy to read something less uncomfortable this go round. But before I get into today�s topic, let me make a quick recap of what the point (overall) was for the prior post.     Essentially what I was getting at was that we�re living in a world of international communication and a smaller �world� where borders don�t really matter. The problem is that there is a conflict between what the old separatist ways believe and the actual reality of the situation. Ergo, we live in a world where culture shock exists and what is taboo/illegal one place is perfectly fine and acceptable in another. If we�re going to move forward with our technology and global connectivity, we have to address this at the root by finding an acceptable middle ground for laws as well as helping to homogenize/normalize attitudes.   Ok, so that�s out of the way... and th...