The Ion Age IMP45 Female Khanate Legionary free for all May 2017 �Humans your time is at an end. Your planets, your cities, your homes and your children are now the dominion of the Shia Khan Empire. Resist if you must, you may even slow us but you cannot ever prevail. We are eternal and we are always triumphant. Our stars immeasurable, our victories countless and our will pure permanence. There is and there always has been the Shia Khan. You belong to us. You are the slaves of the Great Khan." The Belkus Proclamation. Translated from a continual loop being broadcast on all channels from the Belkus crater. Fleet Command 4329 IC It is now May! What a month April was eh and it kind of continues in the first half of this new month. We have the general release of IAB03 The Khanate Returns book as well as a three book Patrol Angis bundle in print plus the digital download versions of these books and bundles too. On the release of the new book we will be dispatching worldwide all of the ...