The Junipers Red Bouquet Fair Reviewed by Nathan Ford Im now absolutely certain that Sugarbush Records Markus Holler has managed to somehow implant a chip in me that relays to him exactly which albums I want him to release. His latest batch of releases are absolute perfection. There are four of them in total, but Im just going to focus on my favourite of them today (more on the others soon). The Junipers, for those who havent been paying attention, are one of this decades most important, unheralded guitar pop bands. Their previous album "Paint the Ground" is one of my favourites of the last few years. Id previously thought of it as one of those rare, perfect pop records, but it cant quite have been as this new album is even better. While "Paint the Ground" had a lovely pastoral tinge, "Red Bouquet Fair" is much more of a classic pop album, with songs that reach back to the sixties for inspiration without sounding tied to that decade or overly reverential. ...