THE MIGHTY ACCELERATÖR The First Year FREE download This is not a new Accelerat�r album. This is a collection of unfinished 4 track recordings, live and rehearsal tracks assembled in an effort to document our first year of existence. If hearing the same songs four times in a row in varying degrees of completion sounds like a fun way to spend 97 minutes, this is for you. The Mighty Accelerat�r formed during Oktoberfest 2004 with raised voices and the stench of sawdust and beer. It took another month or two before we stared rehearsing, though, originally at Stephens house in Hedrick, then at my house in Ottumwa. This was the first time any of us had played together. Inspired equally by Def Leppard and The Jabbers, we started writing songs right away. Eventually we had enough songs to try and record them. Turned out we were writing songs faster than we could rehearse them. There were so many mistakes on that first recording we decided to scrap it and try again later. Sometime after we sta...