The Day After The Sabbath 78 I Was Only Dreaming flute special Download from [mf] or [mg] Unzip password: tdats TDATS 78: I Was Only Dreaming ?[?Flutes In Heavy 70s Prog?]? by Rich Aftersabbath on Mixcloud Flutes . There, I said it. Before the more metal-minded of you out there run for cover, keep listening.......nothing exemplifies and defines that authentic progressive rock sound we all love more than a well-placed touch of virtuoso flute. Let me reassure you, all the tracks in this exhilarating volume also pass the TDATS seal of approval for heaviness, groove or fuzz. There has been a recent resurgence of interest in the prog-rock instruments of old with bands such as Blood Ceremony and Circulus bringing flutes back to the front of the stage. Flute is not usually a priority for me in my searches, which is why I really appreciate it on the occasions that I come across some I like. The welcome addition of flute adds an extra...