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Showing posts with the label male

The Ion Age IMP38 Male Adventurer free for all October 2016!

The Ion Age IMP38 Male Adventurer free for all October 2016! The bumper Prang Army month is now over and The Ion Age gives a big shout out to all those who took up on the big and bulky aliens all across the world. If you missed them then see them here (we have placed the Prang Ambassador on the page as a purchasable miniature outside of the Year Four Collection). October is here and we have some fun in 15mm space opera for you! Lots to know and here we go!  �What else goes on outside of the Prydian Civil War and the warring armies? Well while its not the focus of The Ion Age to look beyond the military we do have a place for speculation and that is in the monthly free miniature. Someone who takes no nonsense and can manage to make a living out of a fast draw and seeing the angle that makes the difference. A Male Adventurer in the grand tradition of space opera. So here he is! A unique looking miniature in 15mm scale that can be put in almost any scenario. He has no n...