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The Bells of Baton Rouge with Waveless An Interview

The Bells of Baton Rouge with Waveless An Interview Classificar o trio de Minneapolis, Waveless apenas como shoegazer trata-se de um pouco de pregui�a, mesmo porque eles praticam algo como um voodoogaze, algo como se o Gun Club colidisse de frente com o MBV via Pixies e SY, ou algo do g�nero. "The Bells of Baton Rouge" � o novo EP deles e � uma barulheira viciante, que vem depois de tr�s anos suceder o EP hom�nimo.  O Waveless precisa e deve ser escutado apenas em volume m�ximo, para melhor percep��o e destrui��o dos t�mpanos. ***** Interview with Waveless ***** Q. When did Waveless start? Tell us about the history... Waveless started out sometime in 2014. We had toured together and released a few albums as a hardcore punk band for a few years prior. After that project disbanded, we were ready to focus more on melody and to experiment with song structure. And that�s where Waveless came into being. Since then, we have been touring regularly. We have self-released two tapes and...