The Day After The Sabbath 62 The DooM That Time Reprised Download from [mf] or [mg] password: tdats TDATS 62: The DooM That Time Reprised ?[?Doom psych and rock?]? by Rich Aftersabbath on Mixcloud Volume 62 is a collection thats been made in the name of Doom. What we have here is mostly progressive rock, from some albums that may or may not have been heavy through-out but had at least one track that invokes that indefinable feeling of impending doom through its riffs or atmosphere. Back when I started this blog, I was talking to a guy called LibertyCaps on the forum at the now defunct He made some great proto-doom comps, all of which I have posted here at some point. Since then I have received many requests for more in his series "The Doom That Time Forgot" so I have decided to make my own follow-up to his great mixes, and what cover artists work can I use other than the amazing Virgil Finley again? His unearthly, esoteric vignettes where made...