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Rambo The Video Game Baker Team

Rambo The Video Game Baker Team Rambo The Video Game Baker Team Game File Size: 4.11 GB Rambo PC Game est un titre de first-person shooter dans lequel r�p�ter des sc�nes de cette c�l�bre trilogie de film mettant en vedette Sylvester Stallone. Acclimatation dans un village aux Etats-Unis, le Vietnam et lAfghanistan, respectivement gameplay combine des tirs directs et couvrir avec la furtivit� tue avec des couteaux, des missions de d�molition et dautres �l�ments des films. System Requirements: OS: Win XP, Vista, 7, 8, 8.1 (32 et 64 bits) Processeur: Core 2 Duo 2.8, AMD x2 3.1 M�moire: 2 Go de RAM Graphics: prise en charge conforme Direct X10, Nvidia, Intel ou AMD ATI DX11. Plus rapide que GeForce 8800, GeForce 630, Radeon 3870 ou Intel HD 4400 DirectX: Version 10 Stockage: 8 Go despace disponible download  file  now

Rambo The Video Game Baker Team Free Download

Rambo The Video Game Baker Team Free Download RAMBO  THE VIDEO GAME is really a rail-shooter that puts the player in John Rambo�s combat boots, and takes them with an action packed journey with the iconic combat sequences and story-arcs of FIRST BLOOD �, RAMBO : FIRST BLOOD PART II  & RAMBO III Locked and loaded using the trademark Rambo arsenal of weapons, you battle with the boss showdowns and take-downs coming from the films - from Rambo�s evading the police in First Blood, to his single, explosive bow strike on Lieutenant Tay in Rambo First Blood Part II, as well as on to his shredding Russian helicopters using the DShK 12. 7mm Heavy Machine Gun in Rambo III. During this classic rail-shooting, arcade adventure you should use the classic Rambo weapon set of the bow, a knife, and guns while you encounter (and create ) chaos, carnage and destruction. 16 Missions of action driven by movie series. All-out action in rail-shooting face-offs - players will desire to make tacti...