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Showing posts with the label funds

Rebel Minis Animech Kickstarter Launches Funds In Four Hours

Rebel Minis Animech Kickstarter Launches Funds In Four Hours Hello, folks.  JBR here with a special self-serving announcement on behalf of Rebel Minis. Rebel Mike and I have been working to bring our 15mm Animal Mechs to Kickstarter.  Sunday the 6th was launch day. The project funded in four hours, and broke two stretch goals on the same day. Now, our lethal and lovely Mayan Technomancer beseeches you to come in for the big win. Heres the link. And heres some art, and pics of painted pre-production samples.  Some are shown with a 15mm and 28mm figure, for references sake.   Beautiful, eh? Now for some stretch goals and add-ons.  First and Second Goals have already been met, with the others sure to follow. You can also boost your pledge with some discounted figures, either 15mm or 28mm.  Just add the sums in the images to your pledge. Thanks for your support from Rebel Minis! Best, Mike Ren...