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TESO Between Epic and Awful

TESO Between Epic and Awful

Riding into battle with hundreds (!) of other players on my screen, armies clashing into each other, catapults and battering rams wreaking havoc, turning into a werewolf and ripping enemies to shreds, feasting on their corpses to keep the blood rage going non-stop - man, that shit is probably the sweetest multiplayer experience I ever had in any game.

Being unable to finish the storyline, being locked out from two thirds of the game world, having no more means to progress and level up for an entire week, with the support staff literally telling me to "try and relog", then getting my account hacked due to zero security measures taken by the developers, waiting yet another week for information on whether or not my stolen stuff can be restored (still waiting), was easily one of my worst moments in gaming.

So much frustration
Look, I get it. Its a new MMO, they always have bugs and problems, WoW had disappearing boats, broken raids, and fucking emergency maintenance all the time. However, Blizzard compensated their users with free subscription time whenever the servers went down at the most inconvenient hours. And that whole thing was what, nearly a decade ago?

Ive encountered a lot of broken quests in TESO. Im not talking about the occasional non-interactive quest NPC here and there, but literally dozens of quests I could not finish and had to come back to at a later time. There are still a few quests in my journal, which Ive been unable to complete for over a week (Graveyard of Ships, Im looking at you).

But even with all of that broken stuff, there are so many quests, dungeons and stories in this game that the broken stuff rarely slowed down my progress too much. It isnt fun when you cant complete stuff, but there was still enough to do. TESO had a LOT of stuff for me to do and not all of it was broken. Yay, I suppose?

What really ruined it for me was when I approached the level cap. Thats where you have to finish the storyline in order to access the so-called veteran content. As in, check out the other factions and play their storylines, gain veteran levels, use even cooler gear and so forth. And I couldnt access any of it. Thousands of players couldnt and many still cant, because it was impossible to interact with important quest objects and NPCs. Well, see for yourselves:

What you see up there is but one of the bugged instances in Coldharbour, rendering only as many players as latency would allow me at the time. All of these players are stuck, they cant progress, theyre all sitting around waiting for stuff to be fixed. To be fair, this problem doesnt occur for every single player, but judging by the amount of complaints on the forums, it is pretty common. I had been stuck for six days, whilst my tickets and bug reports recommended a /reloadui. Great. An even better suggestion was to just move on to the next zone and go play there for a bit. Which is incredibly helpful, seeing as Coldharbour is the final zone in the storyline and you cant progress until youre done with it. Meanwhile, the 30 "free" days of play time were happily ticking away without compensation. And seeing as people have already been charged real money for their so-called free game time, its not really as free as it said on the package, is it?

So much mediocrity
Alright, Im finally past all this broken and bugged crap, so Ill stop moaning about it. And yes, I may have shared my thoughts about the GMs on the forums, wondering if maybe theyve simply never played TESO themselves and theyre really just 12 year olds somewhere in Pakistan. Outsourcing and all that. That was a bit rude and Im sure theyre fixing this mess as quickly as they can, but when you spend 120 Pounds on a game (one for me, one for Claire), subscription and everything and then you cant play for days on end, get no information on whats going on and youre supposed to write articles about the damn thing, well... at that moment I really wished I had taken Claire somewhere nice with all the money weve spent on TESO. Were not exactly rich, we can only do so much with our pennies and in its current state, TESO didnt feel like a great choice. Anyhow, moving on.

One big problem I have with TESO is how it constantly throws me back to the stone age of online gaming. Having to compete with 50something other players over quest items, boss monsters and other quest-related stuff hasnt been fun a decade ago and it isnt fun today. Theres a reason why modern MMOs like Guild Wars 2 and even Neverwinter have abandoned much of this "fight over quest objects" kind of gameplay. Running into other players should be fun, not annoying. And it can be downright stupid on TESO, especially when those other players turn out to be a clone-army of bots, camping a dungeon boss that you need for completion:

"Fucking human players interrupting our farming all the time! Go away! 10010001011101011"
Another problem is that, depending on your alliance of choice, the first 15 to 20 levels of questing can be anything from exciting to downright coma-inducing and repetitive. Newbie characters, who pledge their allegiance to the Daggerfall Covenant, get to decide whether a bad guy lives or dies, they dodge traps on a weird dwarven obstacle course, they don costumes to fool the bad guys and do a whole lot of infiltrating and swashbuckling and all that sort of thing. Sweet!

Unfortunately, Im with the Ebonheart Pact. And the first 20 or so levels make them the ultimate victims. Every city, every outpost, every fucking public outhouse is occupied by enemy troops! Theres a whole army sitting outside, waiting for... well, you. A single player goes in guerilla style and saves the day. Which is cool once or twice. Maybe three times. But you can only collect so many bandages, help up so many wounded soldiers, save so many troops in distress and backstab so many enemy leaders until you cant help but feel youre playing the same damn quest over and over again. Meanwhile, an Aldmeri character of the same level gets to shut down Oblivion gates and fights daedra and dremora. You tell me which of these options sounds cooler.

So much epicness
Fortunately, once I made it to Shadowfen somewhere around the twenties, the story and quests became a lot more interesting for the Ebonheart Pact. Yeeees, some Argonian city was under siege by invading pirates, but instead of patching up even more wounded villagers, I had to tame a nest of giant wasps and blow up pirate ships and everything was fucking awesome. Also, music: